Performance-enhancing drugs: Know the risks

why do people continue to use peds, even when they cause harm?

On this basis, we should once again endorse the classic Coubertin motto that “the important thing is not winning but taking part; the essential thing is not conquering but fighting well”. Numerous research studies have suggested that attitudes toward doping, intentions to dope and actual doping abuse are significantly influenced by sports motivation; i.e., the subjective reasons underlying why athletes participate in sports affect the decision to use PEDs 23–30. However, there are some limits to current research on the relationship between sports motivation and doping. Despite a recent surge of interest in this research topic 23–28, studies focusing on the relationships between sports motivation, doping-related attitudes, intentions and behavior in adolescents remain limited. In addition, some of the studies have investigated relatively small samples in the context of selected sports 27, 31, further limiting the generalizability of the current findings. Finally, there have been calls for more thorough implementation of coherent theoretical frameworks in doping research that would enable a better understanding of the psychological processes underlying doping behavior in adolescence 25, 31.

  • Side effects may also be psychological, with testosterone often being connected to increased aggressiveness because it impacts the brains subcortical structures in the amygdala and the hypothalamus.
  • The anabolic steroids used by athletes are often forms of testosterone made in a lab.
  • These results have led to the hypothesis that AAS use may constitute a risk factor for disinhibitory behavior, partly by affecting the serotonergic system.
  • The risk of using anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs simply isn’t worth taking.


  • Another amino acid of interest with respect to aggressive behavior is ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
  • Most of these supplements/vitamins are not banned but athletes should routinely check with their sports governing authorities as rules change frequently regarding the use of substances among athletes.
  • Another reason athletes dope is the consistent pressure to perform, whether internal pressure the athlete applies or external pressure from fans’ and sponsors’ demands for success.
  • Most of the PEDs that athletes and nonathlete weightlifters used before the 1990s were pharmacologic agents approved for medicinal or veterinary use.

There were notable exceptions that included either younger participants or older participants. For example, Faigenbaum et al. (1998) included participants aged between 9 and 13 years, and Laure and Binsinger (2007) assessed participants aged between 11 and 12 years old. Conversely, Lazuras et al. (2015) included participants up to the age of 20 years old, and Bloodworth et al. (2012) included participants who were aged between 12 and 21 years of age. One study assessed parents’ (Blank et al., 2015) and another study (Nicholls et al., 2015) assessed coaches’ opinions regarding factors that influence doping among adolescent athletes.

Sport Insights that matter

In January of 2005, under pressure from Congress, the MLB and its players announced a new drug agreement, in which first offenses earned a 10-day suspension and fourth violations earned a one-year ban. In the MLB, which strengthened its drug penalties in 2005, a player’s first PED violation leads to a 50 game suspension without pay. A second violation leads to a 100 game suspension without pay, and a third violation leads to a lifetime ban. However, violations of drugs of abuse are treated clinically first, rather than through suspension.

why do people continue to use peds, even when they cause harm?

III. The Process of Data Gathering and Synthesis

why do people continue to use peds, even when they cause harm?

We can measure the concentration of IGF-1 by immunoassay and, more recently, by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The P-III-NP is measured by immunoassay and can stay elevated for several weeks even after discontinuation of rhGH use (385). The serotonergic system also may have an important function in the control of the aggressive dominance induced by AAS (236). The serotonergic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT)1B or 5HT2 receptors may play a role in the mediation of emotional states and behavioral changes that we see among human AAS users (237). Because AASs, hGH, insulin, and erythropoietins are the most frequently used PEDs, we address the medical consequences of their use in detail below.

As the debate around PEDs continues to evolve, education and open dialogue remain crucial for navigating this controversial subject. Another fascinating point was that some of the best athletes don’t necessarily rely on PEDs. These athletes have unique physiological factors that make them superior in their sports, reducing their need for performance-enhancing substances.

  • I’m going to disappoint a lot of people with this information, but it’s the truth.
  • However, alcohol-related suspensions are on the decline since 2006, while marijuana-related suspensions have remained fairly constant over the last ten years.
  • Nevertheless, gendered beliefs may explain why 6% of 17 to 18-year-old male students in Hoffman et al. (2008) study reported using AAS.
  • Thus, physicians are often unaware of the prevalence of PED use (22–24).
  • Throughout the study, the rats had limited social interactions on a daily basis.

What’s wrong with using steroids? Exploring whether and why people oppose the use of performance enhancing drugs

And I remember the first time I ever did it, the blood was pulled out in Spain, outside of Valencia, Spain, and it was put back into me three weeks later in the middle of the Tour de France. My life went from being a wide-eyed, green bike racer from Marblehead, Massachusetts to a few years later in a little bit of a dark world, very secretive, two different faces. I felt more like a number, the numbers that I produced on the bike, you have all this data that you can record while you’re cycling, those numbers became kind of whether I was happy or not. For an NBA player, maybe it’s knowing that he can always come clean, so to speak, and get free treatment. For an NFL wide receiver, maybe it’s the possibility that an easily obtained Adderall prescription could improve his reflexes. For an MLB player, maybe it’s the fact that random tests are few and why do people continue to use peds, even when they cause harm? far between.

They can also be used as bodybuilding supplements to increase muscle mass in bodybuilders. Although performance-enhancing drugs don’t produce the neurochemical high that so often leads to addiction with other substances, a research report from the NIDA reveals that some percentage of those who abuse anabolic steroids may develop steroid use disorder. Like other substance use disorders, a steroid use disorder entails the compulsive use of steroids despite mounting negative health and other consequences, such as avoiding activities one once enjoyed or spending a disproportionately high amount of time, money, and energy getting PEDs.

why do people continue to use peds, even when they cause harm?

There are many reasons why athletes and bodybuilders choose to use performance-enhancing drugs and steroid substances in competition and training. Low LDL and HDL levels increase the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition where fatty substances build up on artery walls and restrict blood flow. Many users of injectable anabolic steroids might exchange contaminated needles with other users or employ nonsterile injection methods.

A. Age of onset

To address these limitations, this study’s primary goal was to further explore the motivational perspective on doping in a large sample of Czech adolescent athletes participating in competitive sports. On the basis of these hypotheses, we formulate a structural model, which we test within the structural equation-modeling framework. Most importantly, the study employed a cross-sectional design that limits causal interpretations of the proposed relationships. We based our hypotheses on a review that suggested that the proposed direction of relationships would be at least partially valid; however, it is necessary to acknowledge that these relationships may be bi-directional, and we must interpret our results with caution. In addition, we included variables in the study that we hypothesized were important to doping in adolescents; however, a number of other variables that were not included may have similar or even greater effects. Additionally, although we recruited a large number of respondents from all regions of the Czech Republic and the response rate was high, our sample differed in some attributes from the general population of Czech adolescents.

Find Treatment

A number of behavioral and psychological factors have been related to PED abuse in adolescents. Adolescent users of PEDs report more positive attitudes toward doping, show higher levels of moral disengagement toward doping and perceive higher approval of doping abuse by other people 12, 15. Adolescent users of PEDs also experience more frequent eating disorders 17 and engage in other types of risk behavior, ranging from school absences 11 to membership in violent groups 18. One of the most commonly abused performance-enhancing drugs, testosterone, comes with a wide range Substance abuse of immediate and long-term side effects. These often start with visible changes, including acne, shrinking testicles, and breast tissue development in men, and the development of an Adam’s apple and additional body hair in women.

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